Tramuntanart Port de la Selva

Tramuntanart Port de la Selva

Tramuntanart is a celebration of the wind here in the Emporda, a strong, cleansing and often infuriating wind!  After last years exhibition finished with said wind breaking my sculpture, I opted for a space inside this year.  I chose to focus on movement beneath the...
David Shepherd Wildlife Artist of the year 2019

David Shepherd Wildlife Artist of the year 2019

I am so honoured to have been chosen to participate in this exhibition. This year there were a record number of applicants, over one and a half thousand! for only 150 places. I went with my little bronze frog which I made especially for this competition, to London in...

Barcelona March 2018

On the 16th March 2018 (coincidentally my birthday) Bruno Fleurit, Loet de Wolf and I opened our collective exhibition in L´atelier de Pilar Guell, just off the Ramblas in Barcelona. The exhibition ran for a month with live music every Friday. It was well received and...
Casa Clara Castelló d’Empuries May 2017

Casa Clara Castelló d’Empuries May 2017

As of the 1st of April three sculptures will be on show in Casa Clara alongside the work of…….. This restaurant has a long history of championing artists and I am delighted to be the latest to exhibit there. Why not come along and see my work and try the...