Jun 10, 2019 | Exhibition
Tramuntanart is a celebration of the wind here in the Emporda, a strong, cleansing and often infuriating wind! After last years exhibition finished with said wind breaking my sculpture, I opted for a space inside this year. I chose to focus on movement beneath the...
Jul 19, 2018 | Exhibition
On the 16th March 2018 (coincidentally my birthday) Bruno Fleurit, Loet de Wolf and I opened our collective exhibition in L´atelier de Pilar Guell, just off the Ramblas in Barcelona. The exhibition ran for a month with live music every Friday. It was well received and...
Oct 10, 2017 | Exhibition, General
Mar 26, 2017 | Exhibition
As of the 1st of April three sculptures will be on show in Casa Clara alongside the work of…….. This restaurant has a long history of championing artists and I am delighted to be the latest to exhibit there. Why not come along and see my work and try the...